A few members of JB’s head office team share how they plan on spending the school holiday season. A delightful read, we hope you discover a few ideas which might inspire some activities to entertain your own full-house once school’s out.
Vanessa - For me it’s about spending time with my seven-year-old boy. We have a few go-to’s that get us out of the house and stops me finding jobs to do. Plus, they’re activities we both enjoy. The library is a must as he won’t be getting books out from the school library and he loves to read which means he gets through them pretty quickly. The museum has fantastic activities and we often take cousins or friends with us. And lastly, baking, which these holidays will involve hot cross buns. For him, the highlight’s eating what we make!
Brooke - With my first wee one on the way, I’ll be making a beeline for child-free zones and indulging in as much “me time” as possible before my greatest life change to date. I’ve got my eyes on JB’s Collagen & Elastin Mask and the delish Sugar Scrub. Two self-care treats that I aim to continue, even when I welcome my sweet boy into the world.
Kirstin - I look forward to spending time with family, maybe an evening get-to-together with plenty of yummy food and wine. It’s also a great time to catch up on jobs that need to be done around the house and spend quality time with the kids with more time to show an interest in their hobbies.
As a team, we agree that while keeping the younger ones entertained is a must, scheduling pockets of self-care where possible is a key to thriving, not just surviving this school holiday season.